
Gift voucher codes are available for any value. If the booking costs more, then you can just make up the difference. Voucher codes cannot be 'carried forward' - If you use a code to pay for a booking that costs less than the code value, then you will lose the difference. We thus suggest you purchase voucher codes in multiples of relevant current ticket prices.
Voucher codes are redeemable as a discount against any single Cotswold Playhouse booking and expire 1 year after purchase. After ordering, you will receive your voucher code by email. Voucher codes can be redeemed online or by telephone. (Subject, of course, to ticket availability)
If you are in a hurry, let us know under 'Comments' below and we can send you the voucher code by email instead of posting a physical gift card.
After filling in the form below, you will be able to pay by credit or debit card via PayPal.
Please enter a contact number