It is the patron’s responsibility to check that the details on any tickets issued are accurate. Please check tickets carefully for the correct production, date and performance time. We do not refund tickets unless the show is cancelled so please make sure you take care when booking. We will exchange tickets only for another performance of the same production, subject to availability.
If a performance has to be cancelled after it has begun due to circumstances outside of our control, then tickets will be refunded if the cancellation is before the interval. No refunds will be made for cancellations after the interval.
The Management reserves the right to:
a) refuse admission of ticket holders to the premises and require any ticket holder to leave the premises.
b) Refuse entry and use of any audio or visual equipment.
c) Change or cancel any performance without prior notice and without being liable to pay any person any compensation or damage whatsoever.
d) Delay entry of latecomers until a suitable break.
e) Insist that all mobile phones and pagers are turned off during the performance.
f) Reseat patrons to alternative seats without prior notice and without being liable to pay any person any compensation or damage whatsoever.
The Management cannot take any responsibility for loss or damage to patrons property however caused.